Friday 13 April 2012

Photo motivation - Italy

It’s Friday. That means Facebook and Twitter users will soon start posting their “TGIFs” and photos of barbecues and dinner tables to illustrate what lies ahead – if they don’t work weekends that is. I usually don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays, except when I’ve got some urgent assignment to finish. So for me, Fridays are motivating days. Sort of.

Motivation – it’s probably my no. 1 problem. When you don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder, it can be difficult to tell yourself “Go on, work!”. Discipline is key. I take short breaks and then I “get crackin’” as my Malteser says. And during these breaks I like to… look at photos of my favourite places. I find it soothing. It brings back memories. And we all know how powerful memories are.

Italy is my passion. It’s where I find solace when I feel lost or stressed. Italy is pure beauty. Italy is love in all its forms. Italy cannot be described, it can only be savoured to the full. Like every other country it has its own scents and colours, and a unique atmosphere that takes me back to my youth, to happy times, family, friends and laughter. Italy is a feast for the senses…

Florence, Rome and Venice. Cities that reflect who I am. What’s more motivating than looking at the beauty of art, architecture and the Italian lifestyle to make you feel alive, to make you smile and to get you through the day? When you're feeling down, remember that it's the little things in life that count - sure, the bills still need to be paid, dinner won't magically appear on your kitchen table and your report won't write itself, but at the end of the day motivation is a reflection of your will to keep going, to never give up, because life is worth living, with its ups and downs, with its Mondays and Fridays. La vita è bella. Sempre e comunque.

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