Saturday 28 April 2012

Kicked off the weekend with a bang… literally!

My hectic week came to an end yesterday, so hubby-to-be and I went out with some friends. The boys played football, the girls drank wine and gossiped. And while we were giggling and comparing wedding dress ideas, a leather football flew straight at my right eye and knocked my contact lens out. What a way to start the weekend!

I don’t really believe in the law of attraction; it’s pseudoscientific nonsense. Yet work-wise when one thing goes wrong, everything that follows also goes down the drain. Even at home (oh wait, I’m always home). You get irritated and frustrated. You’re angry with the world. Your negative mindset follows you wherever you go.

This week I got some feedback about a translation that didn’t turn out to be as good as I thought it would be. Being a proofreader myself, I know that at times, a translator can have a completely different approach to a text than the proofreader. Styles differ. So does vocabulary. And then there are those – hopefully rare – occasions when you’ve simply messed up – maybe the text was too difficult, maybe you weren’t familiar with the subject or the deadline was too tight. Shit happens, as they say. I’m not sure whether that’s what happened in my case (I’d like to believe it was all a matter of stylistic differences), but it did knock me down for the rest of the week, resulting in low productivity and self-loathing. And just as I was about to pick myself up, I was literally knocked down by a chubby kid and his first attempts at playing football.

I’m going to use my semi-puffy eye as an excuse to get pampered this weekend. Hopefully next week I’ll be back on track!

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