Tuesday 3 April 2012

Do you Twitter, I mean tweet?

Again, one of those brand-names-turned-verb à la Google. I can’t help but find this odd. The same goes for nouns. I hate it when people say Kleenex instead of handkerchief or tissue. My vacuum cleaner is not a Hoover. And if you cut yourself while chopping onions in my kitchen, I refuse to give you a Band-Aid. Ask me for a plaster instead.

Hubby-to-be and I went out for dinner with some friends last week, the day I registered on Twitter. I wasn’t really familiar with the terminology – hashtags and Follow Fridays, even now that’s all I know – and I was blissfully unaware of the fact that Twitter has coined its own verb – to tweet. I figured something was not right because as I was rambling about twittering (capital letter?) this and that, my friends’ smiles changed into little smirks. Oh right, you don’t twitter, you tweet

It’s a bit of a strange tool isn’t it? It took me a few days to get the hang of it. And what’s with all the spamming? Every time I see my followers increase I get really excited. Until it dawns on me that most of them have no idea who I am and what I do. And their names – for some reason always alliterations – sound so silly they can’t be taken seriously. Block. Block. Block. And I’m left with the 30 followers I had two days ago. Sigh.

And what do you tweet about anyway? Do your followers really care what you’re having for breakfast? Probably not, unless you’re Kim Kardashian, but sending out a tweet every few hours increases your visibility. And that’s what it’s all about. It makes me wonder, what is it with our society and being seen? Why do we want to share our ups and downs, ins and outs with people we don’t know and create a cyber identity? Why is it so important to post every single milestone – is a work trip to France even a milestone? – on Timeline? To be honest, I don’t know. I have a Facebook account. I have a Twitter account. And I have this blog. Don’t ask me what I want to achieve by being a member of these “online communities”. I don't even think I actually want to achieve anything. My Facebook account connects me with friends, although admittedly many of them I hardly ever meet. My Twitter account is more of a professional tool to exchange thoughts and ideas. This blog is my creative outlet. Nothing more than that. If I can make one reader smile, think... or both, I’ve accomplished my goal. There you have it, I do have a goal.

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