Monday 7 May 2012

That’s it!

That’s it, the end of my blogging adventure…

Just kidding! Actually I would like to thank all my readers for their feedback and suggestions. I’ve decided that I’m going to revamp this page, one step at a time, starting with content. Many of you have told me that you can’t keep up with daily posts, so I’ve decided to write about three posts a week, maybe a little longer than usual, but not too long, so that you can still enjoy them during your coffee breaks. How does that sound?

Judging from the page views, you seem to like photo posts and articles about my work as a translator. For those of you who are more interested in art, books and travel, don’t despair! There’s plenty more where that came from.

I also want to switch to a more appealing background. I’m not too fond of the current one, so forgive me for experimenting a little with colours and textures in the next few weeks. I’m sure eventually we’ll find something we can all agree on.

Last but not least, I will be shooting some videos on various topics (with my camcorder; I’ve finally figured out how to use it). Let me know what you’d like to see! And more importantly, which language(s) you want me to speak in my videos…

Thanks again for your support, dear readers. I’m enjoying this new blogging adventure and I can’t wait to share my next post. Soon, very soon!


  1. Flemish-spoken ... without a doubt!

  2. Help, dat is geen makkie! Maar goed, jullie beslissen, dus als jullie Vlaams willen, dan doen we dat hé!

  3. Your pictures are beautiful and the articles about your work as a translator are great because they make me feel less lonely :)
    I admit English is easier for me, it's obviously a language that your readers understand and that can attract others, probably a working language for most of us, but ... ik begrijp beide, dus geen probleem als u Vlaams kiest.
