Friday 17 April 2015

Guess what? I’m back!

So, it’s been a while… two years and a half to be precise. Why? No idea. I suppose sometimes life gets in the way and you simply forget that you had a blog. Then this happened… The dog was shocked too.

That’s right, now I’m a working mummy. You know, one of those pyjama-clad zombies that haven’t seen a comb in months and work on a laptop covered in apple puree. Same old deadlines, just a tad more stressed-out.

I went back to work when my son was six weeks old. Hubby begged me to take more time off, but I kept insisting that babies that age are very easy to handle – or so I thought. Obviously the moment I decided to jump back in, the little fella became way more active. Sleeping? It took him over a year to figure that one out, and to this day, he often goes a whole day without napping. He’s just shy of fourteen months. Please tell me he’s not the only one that stays awake until he literally drops. Last week he fell asleep in his highchair with a piece of chicken on his chin. Yesterday evening we witnessed the exact same scene, this time with fish on his cheek.

I have to admit I admire mums who work outside the home. I’m incredibly lucky. Very tired, but lucky. I survive on a maximum of five hours of sleep a night, because when munchkin’s day ends, mine begins. Most days I translate till 1 a.m. Of course, I can take a break whenever I please. I can go to the playground. I can cuddle up to him if he gets sick in the middle of the day. No need for major guilt trips if I take a few days off. The joys of freelancing. There are downsides too of course, but we’ll discuss those some other time. My return to the world of blogging should be a positive one!

I don’t know how often I’ll manage to update this page, but the intention is there. The following topics are on my to-do list, but feel free to share your suggestions:

- Money matters – how low can you go? The rates debate.

- Conference calls and the noisy baby

- Copywriting, it’s not for everyone

Off to bed now. Fingers crossed that munchkin sleeps through the night.

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